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R3、40の国際的な金融機関とブロックチェーンに関する5つの試験を完了 – finAsol


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国際的な金融機関とブロックチェーンの実証実験を行っているブロックチェーン企業R3 CEVは3月3日、40の国際的な金融機関とともに、クラウドベースのブロックチェーン・テクノロジーに関して、独立した5つの試験を成功裏に完了したと発表しました。

試験には、ブロックチェーン関連企業のChain、スマートコントラクト関連企業のEris Industries、ブロックチェーンのEthereum(イーサリアム)のほかIBMとIntelが提供するプライベートな分散台帳技術が用いられ、40の国際的な金融機関が参加しました。日本からは三菱東京UFJフィナンシャルグループとみずほフィナンシャルグループが参加しています。



以下に、R3 CEVのニュースリリースを引用します。

R3 completes trial of five cloud-based emerging blockchain technologies with 40 bank consortium members
Chain, Eris Industries, Ethereum, IBM and Intel participate in the most significant implementation of distributed ledger technology to date


March 3rd, 2016 (New York/San Francisco/London) – Financial technology innovation company R3 CEV has successfully trialed five distinct blockchain technologies in parallel in the first test of its kind. The trial represented the trading of fixed income assets between 40 of the world’s largest banks across the blockchains, using multiple cloud technology providers within R3’s Global Collaborative Lab.

The trial marked an unprecedented scale of institutional collaboration between the financial and technology communities exploring how distributed ledgers can be applied to global financial markets.

The banks connected to R3-managed private distributed ledger technologies built by Chain, Eris Industries, Ethereum, IBM and Intel. They evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of each technology by running smart contracts that were programmed to facilitate issuance, secondary trading and redemption of commercial paper, a short-term fixed income security typically issued by corporations to raise funding.

Each of the distributed ledgers ran a smart contract based on identical business logic to enable the banks to accurately compare the difference in performance between them. Cloud computing resources were provided by Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud and Amazon AWS to host the distributed ledgers.